Hunting Safety

Ticks feed on the blood of animals (such as rodents, rabbits, deer, and birds), but will bite humans too. Ticks live in grassy or wooded areas, or on the animals themselves. Hunting brings you in closer contact with the ticks, so take the proper safety precautions to reduce your chances of being bitten. 

Hunting safety tips:

Ticks can transmit serious and potentially fatal diseases like Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis and tularemia. Many of these illnesses can be treated effectively when caught early, so see your doctor right away if you have a fever, rash or flu-like symptoms after being in tick-infested areas. Frequent tick checks increase the likelihood of finding a tick before it can transmit disease.

Treat your clothing and gear with permethrin before your hunt (always follow product instructions).

  • Tuck your pants into your socks or boots to prevent ticks from crawling up pant legs.

  • Shower after returning from the outdoors.

  • Perform daily tick checks.

  • If you see a tick, remove it immediately using tweezers.

Video produced by: Martha's Vineyard Productions
Hunting Safety tips and insights provided by the CDC
Martha's Vineyard Land Bank Commission Hunting Policy and Forms
MassWildlife Deer Hunting Information.