Rural Scholars
A grant-funded (MassAHEC) pathway program compromised of an interdisciplinary community of graduate nursing and medical students, clinicians, and faculty. Rural Health Scholars Program for more information.
Results from Rural Scholars Program
Tick-Borne Illness - Rural Health Scholars Program
During the summer of 2011, a team of rural health scholars (nursing and pharmacy students from the University of Massachusetts) conducted 945 surveys on ferries, at the high school, at ESL classes and at local churches about tick-borne illness. The work complemented hours of interviews with Island health care workers and pharmacists also conducted by the students.
Rural Scholars Addiction and the Martha’s Vineyard Community Presentation - Oct. 2016
Rural Scholars Addiction and the Martha’s Vineyard Community Presentation OCT. 2016 (.pdf)
Record-Keeping Disarray Stymies Addiction Study - Vineyard Gazette Article
UMMS rural scholars study end-of-life planning as public health issue - 2018
Rural Scholars Study End-of-Life Planning as Public Health Issue - Vineyard Gazette Article
The scholars outlined several specific planning aid documents, including a living will, health care proxy and other legal documents that spell out a person’s wishes in the event of a debilitating illness or health crisis.