Tick Yard Survey

From May 15th through July 31st, Tick Program staff will visit your yard, complete an assessment of potential tick habitat, check the yard for ticks via “flagging” method, and discuss ways you can reduce the number of ticks and the chance of being bitten. We request a minimum $50.00 contribution for each survey, however we will do the survey for free if the contribution is an issue.  If you would like to have a tick survey, please complete the form below.

After submitting a survey request we will reach out by phone/email to set a date for the survey. Surveys cannot be completed when it is raining or the ground is wet so please shut off sprinkler systems, especially for surveys scheduled in the morning. We schedule surveys in “slots” throughout the day at 8:30am, 10am, 11:15am, 3pm or 4:30pm to avoid midday heat which affects tick activity. Surveys typically take about an hour depending on size of the yard and how many questions you have for us!

 Tips to Reduce Ticks in the Yard